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  • Drag/Rotate/Mirror an Element as Copy in ARCHICAD
    Drag/Rotate/Mirror an Element as Copy in ARCHICAD
    13532 Views Liked

    You can also use all the moving commands to move an element copy. The commands work the same with the difference that the original element remains in place. The first option to invoke a copying command is via Edit - Move - Drag/Rotate/ Mirror a Copy.

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  • ARCHICAD Template for a Preferred Design Process
    ARCHICAD Template for a Preferred Design Process
    13283 Views Liked

    We all know that BIM has been introduced into construction industry by slogan of save time and money (plus being more efficient and accurate). But the real question is, how shall we explain this slogan in real practice. Let’s look at MacLeamy diagram, the comparison of preferred design process (graph 4) and traditional methods (graph 3) shows that the main challenge and efforts of design process shift to schematic and design development phase by using preferred design process. It means faster...

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  • A simplified IFC guide for general Revit and ARCHICAD users
    A simplified IFC guide for general Revit and ARCHICAD users
    12035 Views Liked

    The streamlined and engaging Danish IFC guide that targets general users (not BIM experts and BIM Managers) has been recently translated to English. This guide that is aimed to make IFC more accessible developed jointly by Molio and buildingSMART Denmark with the help of a team of experts from different institutions

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  • Moving Elements in ARCHICAD
    Moving Elements in ARCHICAD
    11690 Views Liked

    In this article you will learn how to move elements by Drag command, Marquee selection and Pet Palette in 2D and 3D.

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  • Performance, a differentiating key for ARCHICAD 23
    Performance, a differentiating key for ARCHICAD 23
    11618 Views Liked

    ARCHICAD 23 brings a fast and highly reliable performance to deal with BIM models. We all know multi-core process capacity of ARCHICAD as a key differentiator between ARCHICAD and other BIM authoring software, but the new version of ARCHICAD brings much more smart way manage resources to provide better user experience. In this post I want to highlight 5 important new features of ARCHICAD 23 that provide much higher performance for different workflows:

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  • Snap References in ARCHICAD
    Snap References in ARCHICAD
    11549 Views Liked

    If you want to find for example the midpoint of an existing element or you want to place a new element parallel to another one, use the Snap References.

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  • Why ARCHICAD Start Edition? (Reasonable investment vs Renting)
    Why ARCHICAD Start Edition? (Reasonable investment vs Renting)
    11407 Views Liked

    5th of March 2020, GRAPHISOFT released the Spanish version of ARCHICAD Start Edition 2020. This latest version of ARCHICAD, which is the entry-level product line of GRAPHISOFT, covering almost every necessity of micro-practices and solo architects to enter into the BIM world. The toolsets and features offered in this edition include the full BIM workflow, but with some limitations on few tools for internal teamwork collaboration, modelling and visualisation capabilities in comparison to the...

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  • The ARCHICAD Interface
    The ARCHICAD Interface
    11330 Views Liked

    Discover the ARCHICAD interface by understanding its menus, tabs, toolbars, navigator and palettes. Learn how to customize it according to your way of working.

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  • An excellent rollout of graphisoftLEARN BIM Manager Certification Workshop for end-users
    An excellent rollout of graphisoftLEARN BIM Manager Certification Workshop for end-users

    Last week in Barcelona, we experienced one of the most advanced BIM certification workshops in Europe jointly organized by GRAPHISOFT SE and its distributor and exclusive training center in Spain (SIMBIM® Solutions). 21 enthusiastic BIM experts arrived from 10 countries to attend the second international #graphisoftLEARN BIM Manager Certification Workshop that is dedicated to end-users. During this one-week intense certification workshop, presenters and participants exchanged their views and...

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  • Magic Wand in ARCHICAD
    Magic Wand in ARCHICAD
    11266 Views Liked

    There is a special function in ARCHICAD called “Magic Wand”. This function saves you work by finding and tracing a linear or polygonal shape from among existing elements and then generating a new element based on it. 

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  • Architectural vs Engineering Openings in ARCHICAD 23
    Architectural vs Engineering Openings in ARCHICAD 23
    10714 Views Liked

    In ARCHICAD 23 we can use a new tool to place openings in load-bearing elements. This tool enables architects and engineers to easily exchange data about openings in structural elements such as beams or load-bearing walls, but very smartly for structural reasons not applicable to columns. For instance, now when architects need to consider the space for passing pipes, they can place the new opening type in their model, which would be referenced and considered in both structural and MEP model...

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  • Setting up Grids in ARCHICAD
    Setting up Grids in ARCHICAD
    10633 Views Liked

    In ARCHICAD there are two different kinds of grid systems that help you while modeling and drawing, the Construction Grid and the Snap Grid. Using them is optional, you can work in ARCHICAD without using any grid, but in specific circumstances, they are very useful. 

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Showing 13 to 24 of 70 (6 Pages)
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