SIMBIM is a Spanish management consulting firm specialising in BIM architecture and construction. They offer professional services, software solutions, and standards for the AECO industry and digital transformation. SIMBIM is certified by BSI and AENOR and is committed to ethical business practices. Their goal is to drive digital transformation and empower customers to take ownership of the process.
> SIMBIM: A Leading Management Consulting Firm
> BIM Software Solution Provider
> Professional Training Provider
> Who relies on SIMBIM to be their trustworthy partner?
> Brief History of SIMBIM
> SIMBIM in Press
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A Leading Management Consulting Firm
An Agent of Change
SIMBIM® is a leading management consulting service provider in Spain that focuses on BIM (Building Information Modelling/Management) architecture and construction. Its European business is operated from offices in Barcelona and Madrid, while its North American operations are based in Toronto. SIMBIM offers management consultancy, professional services, software solutions, technologies, workflows, and standards related to the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation industry (AECO), digital transformation, and Building Information Modelling/Management (BIM).
✓ Vision:
Our vision is to be an agent of change and a driving force of digital transformation in the building industry (AECO) through BIM's possibilities and solutions.
✓ Mission:
Our mission is to empower our customers to own the process, not just the software.
✓ Quality and Commitment:
The company is certified by the British Standard Institute (BSI) and the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) with highly-regarded certifications such as ISO 9001 and ISO 19650 BIM2 certified consultant certifications. At SIMBIM, our top-notch services aim to impact the world positively. Our commitment to ethical business practices is evident through our participation in the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative.
ISO 19650 - Certified BIM2 Consultant
Certificate Number: BIM-2023/0005
Standard: UNE-EN ISO 19650-1 Y UNE-EN ISO 19650-2
Scope: Consultoría Adjudicatario principal Edificación e Industrial Proyecto y Construcción del activo Consultor. See the certificate >>>
ISO 9001
Certificate Number: FS 764384
Standard: ISO 9001:2015
Scope: Management consultancy, professional service, distribution, sales, support, maintenance service contract, implementation, and training of software solutions, technologies, workflows, and standards related to the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation industry (AECO), digital transformation and Building Information Modelling/Management (BIM). Activities are related to IAF Sector 33. See the certificate >>>
United Nations Global Compact
Since 2022, Simulación y Modelado de Información para la Edificación S.L. has been scaling up efforts to advance global goals by committing to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
See our registered commitment >>>
BIM Software Solution Provider
Iberian Market
As a trusted sales representative for Nemetschek group brands such as Bluebeam, Graphisoft, Scia and dRofus, we offer exceptional distribution, implementation, and training of BIM software in the Iberian market (Spain, Portugal and Andorra). Our commitment to excellence has made us the first GRAPHISOFT learning centre worldwide and one of Spain's first buildingSMART accredited training providers. We are proud to be a trusted partner of BIM software developers and look forward to continuing to serve our valued clients with the highest level of expertise and service.
We at SIMBIM® take pride in being a distributor and representative of GRAPHISOFT SE in Spain. We aim to equip Spain's architectural and construction industry with the latest information technology from Graphisoft, a top European BIM Software developer since 1984. As a partner of Graphisoft, we provide access to all their products and services, including Archicad, BIMcloud, BIMx, Forward, and more. Gain inspiration from our co-founder and senior BIM Consultant, Ioanna Aslasua Pastrana, as she shares the importance of being a Graphisoft partner in an interview with Graphisoft.
See the video >>>
See SIMBIM's partnership status on the official Graphisoft website >>>
SIMBIM® is a trusted partner of BLUEBEAM in Spain and Portugal, holding the prestigious Gold partner status for distributing, consulting, implementing, and training on Revu software. As a Gold partner, SIMBIM's primary objective is to assist architectural, engineering, and construction firms in transitioning smoothly and securely into the digital realm for their technical documents, documentation workflow, and document revision management.
See SIMBIM's partnership status on the official Bluebeam website >>>
In today's world, data-driven design has become increasingly popular in BIM-based projects. At SIMBIM, we take pride in being the distributor and support center for dRofus in the Iberian market. Our commitment is to provide project owners and designers with the best solution that meets all their design and project requirements.
See SIMBIM's partnership status on the official dRofus website >>>
We are extremely proud to have the opportunity to distribute and provide localisation services for Scia Engineer, an innovative software that delivers powerful tools for structural analysis and design. This remarkable solution can effectively cater to all kinds of structures, whether they are traditional or unconventional. By working alongside us, the engineering community in the Iberian market can achieve the creation of extraordinary structures that fulfil their requirements with utmost ease. Additionally, we are proud to be the official representative of Scia in buildingSMART Spain.
See SIMBIM's partnership status on the official Scia website >>>
A Leading Professional Training Provider
Certified Training
SIMBIM has been an incredible force for positive change, collaborating with government, academic, and non-profit institutions on various research, training and educational projects. SIMBIM's commitment to digital transformation consulting is matched only by its dedication to improving the world around them. From supporting the implementation of BIM into the Bachelor of Architecture program curriculum at the University of Navarra, working with the Master program of Smart Cities at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia to collaborating with associations of architecture in various communities of Spain such as Catalonia, Navarra, Basque Country, and more, SIMBIM has consistently demonstrated their passion for creating a better future.
In 2018, SIMBIM® established the first GRAPHISOFT learning centre worldwide in Spain, which was exclusively appointed for a limited time. However, the exclusivity agreement will end in August 2023 to promote inclusivity in the training market. During the exclusivity years, SIMBIM provided locally relevant and approved training content, branded as EDUBIM™, to Spanish-speaking markets in Spain and Latin America. From the beginning of 2023, SIMBIM has integrated the EDUBIM content with the Graphisoft Learn platform. This integration offers a single platform hosted on the Graphisoft Learn platform, including content developed by Graphisoft headquarters and locally relevant and approved content from SIMBIM.
Go to Graphisoft Learn Platform >>>
See the homologated certification programs >>>
SIMBIM® Solutions has been approved (homologated) by buildingSMART as a training provider for individuals seeking buildingSMART Professional Certification. It's now easier than ever for aspiring professionals to receive the necessary training to achieve theirbuildingSMART Professional Certification. SIMBIM® Solutions offers courses such as the GRAPHISOFT BIM Manager Program, BIM Fundamentals, specialized courses like BIM protocols and standards (E11 and E12), and other relevant courses which equip attendees with the knowledge needed to pass the exam.
See official website of buildingSMART Professional Certification Program >>>
SIMBIM® takes pride in being the only certified Bluebeam training provider in the Iberian market. With an expert team of consultants and instructors, SIMBIM equips Bluebeam customers with the latest techniques and knowledge to master efficient document collaboration, markups, cloud collaboration, and more.
See the list of Bluebeam-certified training providers on the official Bluebeam website >>>
Who relies on SIMBIM to be their trustworthy partner?
Our unwavering dedication to providing exceptional BIM and management consultancy services has earned us the steadfast trust of many. We've had the honour of collaborating with some of the most prominent names in the field, and we hold our clients' confidence in the highest regard. We remain steadfastly committed to excellence and continuously strive to enhance our services, making it easy for even the most minor organisations to achieve their objectives.
Since 2013
SIMBIM® History
In 2012, two graduate students from the Polytechnique University of Catalonia (ETSAB) with connections to the University of Navarra had a vision. They created a consulting project called SIMBIM. With the help of Barcelona Activa, the project grew and improved, eventually becoming a certified legal startup business unit named "SIMULACIÓN Y MODELADO DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LA EDIFICACIÓN S.L." in October 2013. Today, SIMBIM is a registered trademark of the company. In 2015, SIMBIM successfully met the requirements to become a part of the esteemed technological park of Barcelona. This park not only serves as an innovative office space but also connects and supports a vast network of technology companies throughout Europe, much like the renowned Silicon Valley in the United States. Their journey is a testament to what can be accomplished with hard work and determination.
Technology Park - The Technology Business Center is an innovation environment in Barcelona that hosts technology-based companies focused on innovation, particularly in the field of engineering.
Graphisoft made a strategic decision in 2014 to entrust their business in Spain to a new distributor (which that year called Archicad Espana) in Madrid and various regional resellers throughout the country. This move allowed Graphisoft to streamline its operations and focus on its core competencies. It's impressive how Graphisoft adapted to changing market conditions and kept their business successful in Spain since their subsidiary launch in 1997 (Graphisoft Spain). In 2014, SIMBIM, as a regional reseller of Graphisoft products, began offering the game-changing European BIM solution, Graphisoft Archicad, to the northeast region of Spain as part of their product lineup.
In a move to expand Archicad's reach and business in Spain, Graphisoft strategically decided in 2019 to enlist two independent distributors. Among these distributors was SIMBIM, a pioneering Graphisoft service provider in Spain and Andorra. Since then, the Spanish Archicad distribution channel has been covered by two equally independent distributors, one SIMBIM and the other Archiespana. The name Archicad Espana has been changed to Archiespana to avoid confusion with the existence of an exclusive distributor throughout the country.
In October 2019, Ioanna Alsasua Pastrana shared a case study during the Graphisoft Master Class event held in Budapest.
Since 2013, SIMBIM has been forging meaningful partnerships with major players in the AECO market, striving to establish an efficient supply chain and become a leading digital transformation consulting company in the Iberian market. Their commitment to excellence has been recognised with accolades, such as becoming a Bluebeam Gold Partner and a distributor for other Nemetscheck Group brands like Scia and dRofus. SIMBIM's expansion efforts extend beyond Nemetscheck Group, with partnerships with renowned players such as Teamsystems in Italy and Vintocon in Hungary. They have also collaborated with solution providers like Solibri in Finland, BIMcollab in the Netherlands, and Abvent in France. SIMBIM's unwavering dedication to building strong relationships and fostering innovation is truly inspiring.

SIMBIM has been an incredible force for positive change, collaborating with government, academic, and non-profit institutions on various projects. Their commitment to digital transformation consulting is matched only by their dedication to improving the world around them. From supporting the implementation of BIM into the Bachelor of Architecture program curriculum at the University of Navarra to working with the Master program of Smart Cities at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, SIMBIM has consistently demonstrated their passion for creating a better future. Their involvement in the strategy working group of the Spanish BIM Commission and their support of the buildingSMART certification committee in drafting their first international education provider (GRAPHISOFT) are just a few examples of their tireless effort to impact the world positively. SIMBIM inspires many other startups and innovative companies to strive for excellence and contribute to a better tomorrow.
SIMBIM has been recognised for their exceptional work and selected to receive European funds and support from ICEX, the Spanish government's international commerce body, to expand its services globally in 2022. This is a testament to their hard work and dedication to providing top-notch management consulting services. Congratulations to our team on this well-deserved recognition, and we look forward to demonstrating continued success in the future.
What the media says about SIMBIM?
SIMBIM in Press
> 25/05/2023 - Strategies and challenges of digitization in the construction industry
> 11/11/2021 - Lo híbrido es la nueva normalidad; Archicad en el Congreso de European BIM Summit 2021
> 11/11/2021 - Smart City Expo World Congress – Graphisoft
> 16/04/2021 - Formación y certificación BIM de Graphisoft y buildingSMART en el COAVN
> 26/11/2019 - Entrevista a Ioanna Alsasua, cofounder y COO de SIMBIM Solutions, en REBUILD 2019
> 18/06/2019 - Convivencia de BIM y sistemas tradicionales - Ioanna Alsasua - SIMBIM Solutions
> 09/04/2017 - Elegidos los 10 proyectos del programa ‘Impulso Emprendedor 2017’